Changelog (Studio v5)
Changelog (Studio)
Changelog (Studio)
This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio edition. It starts with Version 5.0.1 which is the inital release version.
This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio. It starts with Version 3.97.2 which is the beta start version.
This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio. It starts with Version 3.97.2 which is the beta start version.
Version 5.3.5 - January 30, 2025
FIXED: Categories (post settings, portfolio, blog) now work correctly with WordPress 6.7+
Version 5.3.4 - July 17, 2024
FIXED: Uploading fonts stopped working with the WordPress 6.6 Update
FIXED: Broken 'Logo middle, menu sides' layout on mobile with disabled hamburger
FIXED: Variable webfont set as the default paragraph font could overwrite font-weight settings of non-variable webfonts
Version 5.3.3 - April 18, 2022 - Bugfix Update
FIXED: Now supporting 'transparent' as a value for motion gradients
FIXED: Setting the scrub for scroll animations back to 0 caused problems in PHP7
FIXED: After previewing an animation and exit the animation mode content styles got resettet
FIXED: Existing styles on pasted text (when editing APG Grids) are now getting removed correctly
FIXED: Styles (drop shadow, border) are now getting applied correctly to the single project module
FIXED: Ordering posts for the advanced portfolio grid closed the edit popup
FIXED: Project panel setting images per row now gets applied correctly on all breakpoints
FIXED: Non sticky navbar on mobile was switched to sticky once a page transition started
FIXED: Reveal transitions calculated the wrong height on safari ios
Version 5.3.2 - October 5, 2021 - Bugfix Update
FIXED: Single project thumbhover settings are now getting applied correctly in the frontend
FIXED: Thumbhover scale duration in the customize preview
FIXED: Empty APG caused an javascript error
FIXED: Miscalculated scroll triggers with masonry image grid modules
FIXED: Before / After module calculated wrong images sizes on pages with scroll animations
FIXED: Default fonts were displayed as Untitled in the font select dropdown
FIXED: Cloud typography fonts now work fine with custom typography styles
FIXED: Custom typography styles are now working properly with variable webfonts
FIXED: Custom animations in the footer are now working properly in the blog
Version 5.3.1 - April 9, 2021
ADDED: Support for Variable Webfonts
ADDED: Single project module (with thumb hover) for easier custom grids
ADDED: What's New popup for the admin panel
ADDED: Option to exclude projects from the project panel & Next/Prev module
CHANGED: Youtube social profile now supports usernames or channel URLS
CHANGED: If no thumbnail is defined for Project Panel or Next/Prev module, the default thumbnail is used
CHANGED: Horizontal Fullscreen Grid (APG) now gets vertically centered before custom page transition
FIXED: Ordering gallery images closed the edit popup
FIXED: SVG images on CDN servers with timestamps are now supported
FIXED: Image grids and APG are now updated properly when changing versions in the editor
FIXED: PHP error in onboarding if WP_DEBUG is enabled
FIXED: Removed the outline that occurred after clicking the submit button on the Mailchimp module
FIXED: If Opacity, column order or z-index are set to 0, the value is now applied properly
FIXED: Gallery Grid caption fonts were overwritten by Customize > Typography
FIXED: Navigation 'logo left, menu left' had a horizontal scroll on mobile when set to 'fluid'
FIXED: Lazy load in the footer (Portfolio Grid) now correctly applies styles for project title and type
FIXED: Gallery Slider caused scroll trigger to calculate wrong start point positions
FIXED: Background color and image were mistakenly attached when animating a content module
FIXED: Setting a border to 0 on mobile breakpoints now works properly
FIXED: Back to top arrow width now gets saved correctly
Version 5.2.4 - December 11, 2020
FIXED: Pinning a section added pin spacing per default while the setting is disabled
FIXED: Wrong scrollTrigger calculations on SPA mode with no transitions
FIXED: Custom scroll down arrow had wrong aspect ratio on iOS
FIXED: Content jumps with page transitions and on scroll animations
REMOVED: Mix-blend-modes for content and column due to a chrome bug. (will still work for sections though)
REMOVED: z-index from motions
Version 5.2.3 - December 6, 2020
FIXED: Old on scroll animations now getting migrated properly
FIXED: Optimized performance for on scroll animations
FIXED: Optimized general performance of animations especially for safari
FIXED: On scroll animations now calculated correctly in combination with reveal page transitions
FIXED: Mouseout on animations will now only reverse the last loop instead of the complete animation
FIXED: Thumb hover on lazy load items applies correctly again
FIXED: 'Logo-middle-menu-sides' navigation calculated wrong logo width in single page app mode
UPDATED: GSAP and scrollTrigger to latest version
Version 5.2.2 - November 28, 2020
FIXED: Editor couldn't load if mirgrated motions had a box shadow
FIXED: Migrating old scroll triggers were not accurate
Version 5.2.1 - November 27, 2020
ADDED: New effects for animations! (filters, 3D rotate, shadow, gradients etc.)
ADDED: Timeline support for animations (ability to add multiple steps)
ADDED: Pre-designed animation presets
ADDED: Option to save and update global animation presets
ADDED: Option to bulk apply animation presets for specific content types
ADDED: Full page animation preview in the editor (with all element triggers)
ADDED: Option to define a play count or loop animations
ADDED: Option to disable an animation for mobile
ADDED: Lottie Module (+support for scroll-based playback)
ADDED: Blend modes for sections, columns and modules
ADDED: Option to change the cover image for each breakpoint
ADDED: Option to customize the "images per row" option for all breakpoints (image grids)
ADDED: Portfolio Grid mobile options for project title and type
ADDED: Option to upload a custom "scroll down" arrow for covers
ADDED: Option to detect and replace invalid domain names in uploaded webfonts
ADDED: Option to disable the "big image threshold" in WordPress
ADDED: Unsplash and TikTok to social profile options
UPDATED: GSAP animation library to v3
CHANGED: ScrollMagic to ScrollTrigger for scroll-based animations*
CHANGED: Breakpoints (editor, customize) now preview with the min-width instead of max-width for easier mobile content adaption
FIXED: Changing the title position for the APG "Horizontal Fullscreen" option now works correctly
FIXED: Transition easings in 'Customize -> Transitions' are now applied correctly
FIXED: Coverslider preloader was visible on transparent covers
FIXED: PHP notices when WP_DEBUG is enabled
FIXED: Column dropzones were too big on custom-sized sections
FIXED: Removed REST-API notices when WP_DEBUG was set to 'true'
FIXED: Visible navigation before page transition (non-sticky navbar)
FIXED: Page title is now correct if you visit the blog page in Single Page App mode
FIXED: Social profile mobile settings are now applied correctly if desktop settings are not set yet
FIXED: Lazy load button remained clickable after all projects were loaded
FIXED: Duplicates on lazy load when clicking multiple times before a request was done
FIXED: Custom-selected navbar was not applied correctly in single page app mode
FIXED: 'Transparent' color button working properly again
FIXED: Using ctrl+z in the code editor would also trigger an undo in Semplice
*Please note that animations with custom code using ScrollMagic will not work anymore. To make them work again, you have to add ScrollMagic manually.
Version 5.1.4 - September 8, 2020
FIXED: Coverslider visibility bug for vertical sliders in Safari and iOS
Version 5.1.3 - Hotfix - September 8, 2020
FIXED: Image flashing on chrome with parallax enabled covers
Version 5.1.2 - Hotfix - June 3, 2020
FIXED: Empty state was displayed when all pages were added to the favorites
FIXED: Galleries were empty after edited in mobile breakpoints
Version 5.1.1 - June 1, 2020
ADDED: Undo/Redo for the content editor (finally!)
ADDED: Social Profiles module
ADDED: Upload option for self-hosted webfonts
ADDED: Captions for images in the Gallery Slider
ADDED: Titles & captions for Gallery Grid images
ADDED: One-click solution to edit image metadata (title, caption etc.) within the Gallery Module(s)
ADDED: Customization for the Gallery Slider arrows
ADDED: Options to customize the back-to-top arrow
ADDED: Option to save pages as favorites on the dashboard
CHANGED: Less confusing publish flow
FIXED: Thumb hover scale was not calculated correctly when value was below 10%
FIXED: Thumb hover title & category weren't displayed on lazy load
FIXED: Background video fallback image not shown for covers on mobile
FIXED: Having a displacement effect on a background video led to an Javascript error
FIXED: Scroll Reveal didn't work properly in Single Page App mode.
FIXED: Blog share settings (icon size, font size) were not applied correctly.
FIXED: Gallery modules were not editable if they contained missing images from the media library.
FIXED: Custom transitions for Splitscreen Grid with image size set to 'original' are now working properly.
Version 5.0.4 - March 27, 2020
ADDED: Ability to select an individual footer for the blog (Customize -> Blog)
UPDATED: New Instagram basic display API (please update your access token!)
FIXED: Editor notices for the text module and APG were shown multiple times after being read.
FIXED: Letter spacing set in Customize -> Typography for mobile breakpoints were not applied correctly.
FIXED: Adding a custom CSS class to a spacer column caused a display issue in the editor.
FIXED: Image module in the edit popup shown empty despite an uploaded image.
FIXED: Blog background color was not applied to the complete view height.
FIXED: Coverslider text size was wrong with "Optimize Transitions" enabled in Customize -> Transitions.
FIXED: Unapproved comments were shown in blog posts.
FIXED: It was possible to enter values like "0300" for motions which lead to front-end Javascript errors.
FIXED: Master Blocks were displayed on top of duplicated posts instead of keeping their correct order.
FIXED: The "remove custom color" icon was not visible in dark mode.
FIXED: Section re-order icon got overlapped when Z-Index option for sections changed.
FIXED: Video background color for Portfolio Grid thumb hover got overwritten if the section also had a video background and color set.
FIXED: Hidden title gets shown if you click an image in the Horizontal Fullscreen Grid (APG) when custom transitions are enabled.
FIXED: Non-sticky navigation was displayed at the top before a page transition started, even after scroll.
Version 5.0.3 - January 14, 2020
FIXED: Cover presets are now working correctly
FIXED: Folders in the media library were not scrollable on Mac
FIXED: Having a fixed section height and multiple rows would add the section height to each row after changing breakpoints.
FIXED: Categories overlapping on Firefox (Mac)
FIXED: Cover video opacity now gets applied correctly.
FIXED: Project settings icon where not clickable in the portfolio grid with overlayed title and type.
FIXED: Mobile padding for the APG Split Screen grid details button was added if the type was set to 'link.'
Version 5.0.2 - November 26, 2019
FIXED: Motions for columns and sections showed as empty in the edit popup
FIXED: On rare occasions, pre-defined Blocks were not visible
Version 5.0.1 - November 18, 2019
ADDED: Media library with drag & drop folder organization
ADDED: 58 brand new Block layouts for your page layouts
ADDED: Night mode
ADDED: New "Reveal" transition
ADDED: Master Blocks
ADDED: 3D Tilt effect
ADDED: Distortion effects for cover photos
ADDED: Next/Prev navigation for projects
ADDED: Fullscreen cover presets
ADDED: Drag & drop upload support for image modules
ADDED: Before / After module - Compare images with a sliding reveal.
ADDED: Mobile options for Customize –> Typography
ADDED: Breakpoint preview for Customize (Typography, Navigations and Project Nav)
ADDED: Image light box customization options
ADDED: Option to upload a custom hamburger icon
ADDED: Option to change the Single Page App Behavior for custom Javascript
ADDED: Option to adjust the line height for Advanced Portfolio Grids
ADDED: Customizable UI controls for your videos
ADDED: Option to hide the footer for individual pages or projects
ADDED: Border radius option for styling your content, column and section
ADDED: Option to change the mouseover color for the Advanced Portfolio Grid "Text Grid"
ADDED: Option to hide a content block on desktop
CHANGED: Optimized the UI of the edit popup for a better workflow
CHANGED: Fade-in effect for Single Page App mode to avoid flicker when navigating with browser
CHANGED: Removed thumb hover for mobile devices.
FIXED: Setting the onScroll motions 'Start Point' to 'Custom' without changing the value led to an error.
FIXED: Mobile CSS for the custom typography styles
FIXED: All font dropdowns now have a valid default value.
FIXED: Problems with the line-height for block elements under Custom Typography Styles
FIXED: In some mobile browsers, the font size got bigger in landscape mode.
FIXED: Footer styles were not applied correctly on password protected pages and projects.
FIXED: After clicking a menu item in the Overlay Menu, the scrollbar was hidden and the body background appeared for a split second.
FIXED: Background color for transitions would show instead of default background color.
FIXED: Using video links with URL parameters in the self-hosted video module wouldn't show controls.
FIXED: The 'Preview' button in the Projects overview is now using the correct project slug set in 'Settings.'
FIXED: A portfolio grid that is smaller than the viewport will now have the correct size when transition optizimations are set to enabled.
FIXED: Ordering images in the gallery grid will add a "Gallery Module" preview that replaces the grid.
FIXED: Padding on the content container of a gallery misaligned the images in Single Page App mode.
FIXED: Custom thumb hovers didn't work with lazy loading.
FIXED: 'Outer Width' value in grid sizes was missing half of the outer padding.
FIXED: <html> now gets the correct language attributes.
FIXED: 'Visibility' and 'Column Mode' options for breakpoints are now displayed correctly in the editor.
FIXED: 'Transparent while in cover' navigation went transparent if you clicked a link in SPA mode.
FIXED: Instagram videos now display correctly with enabled 'Optimized Transitions.'
FIXED: Corrected link under 'Troubleshooting license key issues.'
FIXED: 'Project Panel' width set to 'Fluid' now has the correct width.
FIXED: It was not possible to add pages / projects to an Advanced Portfolio Grid added through a Block.
FIXED: APG Slides were not clickable on mobile for Static Frontend mode with transitions disabled.
FIXED: APG letter spacing for the "Horizontal Fullscreen" grid was not applied correctly.
FIXED: Yoast placeholders are now displayed correctly in Single Page App mode.
FIXED: Mobile breakpoints preview for text shadow and button module now work properly.
FIXED: Resolved issues with Unsplash integration.
FIXED: Duplicated coverslider failed while adding new pages or projects.
FIXED: Input fields in the admin panel had the wrong border colors after WordPress 5.3 update.
FIXED: Project panel title font now previews correctly in customize.
FIXED: Buttons are now displayed correctly on mobile breakpoints in the editor preview.
FIXED: Buttons no longer change styles while the editor motion preview is active.
FIXED: Mailchimp spacing now gets applied correctly for mobile breakpoints.
FIXED: Autoplay for videos now works consistently.