Changelog (Studio v6)

Changelog (Studio)

Changelog (Studio)

This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio edition. It starts with Version 6.0.1 which is the inital release version.

This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio. It starts with Version 3.97.2 which is the beta start version.

This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio. It starts with Version 3.97.2 which is the beta start version.

Version 6.2.6 - January 30, 2025

FIXED: Categories (post settings, portfolio, blog) now work correctly with WordPress 6.7+
FIXED: E-Mail input for the mailchimp is now set to "required"
FIXED: After setting navbar border color to transparent the edit popup will not work anymore

Version 6.2.5 - July 17, 2024

FIXED: Uploading fonts stopped working with the WordPress 6.6 Update
FIXED: Media library search lazy loading
FIXED: PHP Error while creating a Logo middle, menu both sides Navigation

Version 6.2.4 - December 15, 2023

FIXED: Column inner styles now working properly in a cover
FIXED: Save error when adding a masterblock to the single post template
FIXED: Category/Tags seperator not visible in the blogposts module
FIXED: Exclusive nav had a wrong height after page transition (single page app mode)
FIXED: Navigation blur now works properly in Safari

Version 6.2.3 - July 12, 2023

FIXED: Corrected fluidtext topbar icon order
FIXED: APG Table grid calculated wrong mobile sizes if the column order was changed on desktop
FIXED: It was not possible to edit text on a duplicated accordion module

Version 6.2.2 - May 12, 2023

FIXED: Editing text with safari in the accordion module now works properly
FIXED: Text shadow now gets applied correctly for the fluid text module

Version 6.2.1 - May 4, 2023

ADDED: Options to reoder, rename and categorize your blocks
ADDED: Option to export and import blog settings between pages or blog templates
ADDED: Option to disconnect a section from a masterblock
ADDED: Option to add text and images within an accordion item
ADDED: Option to re-order content within an accordion item
ADDED: Option to change the toggle mode for the accordion module
CHANGED: To support more formatting options the text within an accordion item will now be edited with a wysiwyg editor
CHANGED: Domain change for uploaded webfonts now also triggers if SSL gets activated to change from http to https
FIXED: Overlay menu was not closing correctly if exclusive nav and text style menu button were used
FIXED: Blend mode for custom cursor was not resetted after clicking on a link with a custom mouseover blend mode
FIXED: Custom classes on pages/projects are now working for the table and splitscreen apg grid
FIXED: Unsplash image showed no thumbnail after adding it
FIXED: 'Show grid' will now correctly re-calculate full width image grids to fit the narrowed view
FIXED: Editing cover effects failed when effects from older Semplice (<6) versions where active
FIXED: Scroll animation triggers now getting updated once you open/close accordion items
FIXED: Hamburger on the floating container preset always got centered after closing the overlay menu ignoring position settings
FIXED: Table grid head row was missing in the editor after a reload if visibility was set to hidden
FIXED: Border radius now works correctly for the marquee module
FIXED: Variable webfont set as the default paragraph font could overwrite font-weight settings of non-variable webfonts
FIXED: Marquee were resettet on mobile on scroll
FIXED: PHP 8.1+ deprecated notices (only visible in wp_debug mode)

Version 6.1.2 - December 5, 2022

ADDED: Option to change the button label alignment for grid width buttons
FIXED: Button label is now centered again per default for grid width buttons
FIXED: Project nav arrows now display correctly
FIXED: Copy mobile changes dropdown now works properly

Version 6.1.1 - November 25, 2022

ADDED: Context Menu for the content editor
ADDED: Floating container navigations (can be bottom aligned!)
ADDED: Accordion Module
ADDED: Options to customize the styles of the inner column
ADDED: Option to select the direction of borders
ADDED: Option to upload an icon for the button module
ADDED: Option to define an 'exclusive' navigation that will stay sticky between page transitions
ADDED: Navigations will now preview the mobile fallback when customizing
ADDED: Options to change the underline color for active menu items
ADDED: Option to change the height of the progress bar
ADDED: Option to change the line-height for the Gallery Grid caption
ADDED: Option to change the arrow type for the Next/Prev project panel
CHANGED: The native (invisible) cursor is now centered inside the custom cursor instead of top left, for better usability
CHANGED: Pinning an element in Animations builder now works without having to add a step to the timeline
FIXED: Gallery Slider with only 2 images had issues with the fade animation
FIXED: Blog posts pagination now works properly if a static page with the blogposts module is set as your homepage
FIXED: Blog posts displayed after a Coverslider are now ordered correctly with the correct offset
FIXED: Blog post tables are now displayed correctly
FIXED: Blog posts content font size now applies correctly for lists
FIXED: Blog posts are now ordered correctly when used in a footer
FIXED: Preview of a post draft now works properly with the new Single Post template
FIXED: It was not possible to edit images in the Single Post template
FIXED: Gallery Slider captions for videos are now working properly
FIXED: Cover 'show more' button (down arrow) was invisible on Firefox if 3D tilt was enabled
FIXED: Video controls were displaced in cover when 3D Tilt was enabled

Version 6.0.3 - May 25, 2022

ADDED: Option to change the marquee speed for every breakpoint
FIXED: Portfolio grid lazy load now works correctly
FIXED: Drop shadow now applies correctly to the fluid text module
FIXED: Code editor for logo option 'SVG Code' now works properly
FIXED: Custom cursor works now for portfolio grid category filter
FIXED: Four corner nav items where stacked on top after page transition
FIXED: Table grid mouseover now correctly displays the thumbnail on the right (Safari)
FIXED: Gallery grid shadow mouseover now works properly with the new custom cursor
FIXED: Marquee sometimes runs super fast with svg images

Version 6.0.2 - April 22, 2022

FIXED: APG text grid missed "Title Options"
FIXED: PHP error in the blogarchives module
FIXED: Broken 'Logo middle, menu sides' layout on mobile with disabled hamburger

Version 6.0.1 - April 18, 2022

ADDED: Blog posts module
ADDED: Blog archives module
ADDED: Blog search module
ADDED: Blog comments module
ADDED: Design your dynamic blog templates (single post, archive and search results) in our editor
ADDED: Fluid text module
ADDED: New "Table" grid for the Advanced Portfolio Grid
ADDED: New staggered Reveal page transitions
ADDED: Marquee animation module (for both text and images)
ADDED: Custom JS Cursor
ADDED: "Reveal" effect for custom animations
ADDED: "Grid View" for the editor to make it easier dealing with 1px lines, overlapped content etc.
ADDED: Video support for the Gallery Slider
ADDED: Free Scroll option for the Gallery Slider
ADDED: Layout options for the Gallery Slider (for example to show multiple images in one slide)
ADDED: Options to customize the password protected content template
ADDED: Mobile options for the Button Module
ADDED: Button Module mouseover presets
ADDED: Options to customize the styles of the section rows container
ADDED: Support for different units (%, vw, vh) on some options and motions
ADDED: Live preview for cover effects (zoom, 3d tilt and displacement maps)
ADDED: Option to show the default fonts together with custom fonts
ADDED: Option to change the custom section height for all breakpoints
ADDED: Option to change the height of the spacer module for all breakpoints
ADDED: Option to force fullscreen height on mobile for sections
ADDED: Option to hide the navigation on scroll
ADDED: Option to replace the hamburger icon with a text button
ADDED: Option to set a different font family for the active menu item in the navigation
ADDED: Alignment option for the back to top arrow
ADDED: 'Contain' as a image size option for reveal page transitions
FIXED: Now supporting 'transparent' as a value for motion gradients
FIXED: Single project thumbhover settings are now applied correctly in the front-end
FIXED: Thumbhover scale duration in the customize preview
FIXED: Empty APG caused a Javascript error
FIXED: Before / After module calculated wrong images sizes on pages with scroll animations
FIXED: Miscalculated scroll triggers with masonry image grid modules
FIXED: Default fonts were displayed as Untitled in the font select dropdown
FIXED: Cloud typography fonts now work fine with custom typography styles
FIXED: Custom typography styles are now working properly with variable webfonts
FIXED: Custom animations in the footer are now working properly in the blog
FIXED: Setting the scrub for scroll animations back to 0 caused problems in PHP7
FIXED: After previewing an animation and exit Animation mode, content styles would reset
FIXED: Existing styles on pasted text (when editing APG Grids) are now removed correctly
FIXED: Styles (drop shadow, border) are now getting applied correctly to the Single Project Module
FIXED: Non sticky navbar on mobile was switched to sticky once a page transition started
FIXED: Reveal transitions calculated the wrong height on Safari iOS
FIXED: Ordering posts for the Advanced Portfolio Grid closed the edit popup
FIXED: Project panel setting images per row is now applied correctly on all breakpoints

