Changelog (Studio v7)
Changelog (Studio)
Changelog (Studio)
This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio edition. It starts with Version 7.0.1 which is the inital release version.
This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio. It starts with Version 3.97.2 which is the beta start version.
This page lists all the changes made to Semplice Studio. It starts with Version 3.97.2 which is the beta start version.
Version 7.1.2 - Hotfix Update - March 27, 2025
FIXED: Mobile detect update caused an error on PHP 8.0.x
Version 7.1.1 - March 26, 2025
ADDED: Sub menu support for navigations
ADDED: Reveal text menu mouseover effect
ADDED: Underline (left to right) menu mouseover effect
ADDED: Seperator option for vertical menus
ADDED: Mix blend mode option for the top & bottom navbar section
ADDED: 'Transparent while in cover' option for the top navbar section
ADDED: 'Content Width' option to the navigations overlay (this way you can set your overlay content to grid width)
ADDED: Option to set a placeholder label (for code, oembed, lottie and video module)
ADDED: Clicking on 'Edit Code' in the code module placeholder will now directly open the code editor instead of the edit popup
ADDED: Border radius option for 'Card' page transitions
ADDED: Modules visibility (nav editor) can now be also set for the 'Desktop Wide' breakpoint
ADDED: Visual hint for hidden columns and modules in the nav editor
ADDED: Option to set the direction for the push content nav overlay reveal transition
CHANGED: Autoplay videos are now only played when in view to improve performance
CHANGED: All pages/projects select boxes will now also contain drafts
CHANGED: Page settings can now be saved & closed by just clicking outside of the sidebar
UPDATED: Mobile detect library to 4.8.x to optimize compatibility with PHP 8.4
FIXED: Typography heading font family changes were not previewed correctly if a font was already set
FIXED: Working with hashtags (one pager for example) should now work properly
FIXED: Overlay menu now closes correctly when using a link that only contains a hashtag
FIXED: Text align 'Justify' is now working properly in the WYSIWYG editor
FIXED: Text underline was doubled in the menu module
FIXED: Responsive gutter now previews correctly in the content editor
FIXED: Border radius for the menu item background was multiplied by 2
FIXED: Various media library error messages (visibility issues)
FIXED: Button label (nav editor) was not changeable after adding a fresh button
FIXED: Edit popup was hidden afer editing the page settings in a coverslider
FIXED: Padding options for the nav editor button module are now displayed correctly on all breakpoints
Version 7.0.9 - Jan 29, 2025
ADDED: Mousewheel support for changing slides in the vertical coverslider
FIXED: Range sliders (font size, line height and letter spacing) from the wysiwyg editor are now working properly in Safari
FIXED: Clicking the navigation button module had no effect in an exclusive nav
FIXED: Accordion text was not editable on a duplicated accordion (this fix only works for new duplicates)
FIXED: When trying to delete a gradient handle with an active text selection the text got deleted instead
FIXED: Gradient handles were not draggable and removeable when editing a gradient in the wysiwyg editor
FIXED: Hamburger text label (open/close) was not changing after clicking a link in the navigations overlay
FIXED: Navigation and content had a white space between on mobile after switching a page (when content got displayed after the navigation)
FIXED: Removing a project categorie in the porject settings were not displayed correctly
Version 7.0.8 - Jan 16, 2025
ADDED: 'Reset Intro' option to reset the site intro
FIXED: Vertical nested row will get displayed horizontal in SPA frontend mode when coming from another post
Version 7.0.7 - Hotfix - Jan 7, 2025
FIXED: Selected categories for projects where applied but not displayed in the page settings
Version 7.0.6 - Dec 20, 2024
ADDED: Option to define a font family for the active menu item in the menu module
ADDED: Bluesky and Spotify to social profiles
FIXED: Animation effect values were cut off on the bottom for "on scroll" animations
FIXED: Typography (H1, H2 etc.) settings are now getting applied correctly for breakpoints
FIXED: Lightbox order now works correctly with image modules
Version 7.0.5 - Dec 11, 2024
CHANGED: Hamburger color setting is now visible on every breakpoint to improve usability
FIXED: Setting column mode to 'multi' on mobile breakpoint now works properly for portfolio grid and gallery grid
FIXED: Font family for the button module (navigations) now displays correctly
FIXED: Breakpoint visibility for the cover now works correctly
FIXED: Having no published blogposts led to an error when trying to edit the single post template
Version 7.0.4 - Nov 28, 2024
FIXED: SEO options in the post settings were not saved correctly
Version 7.0.3 - Nov 28, 2024
ADDED: New tutorial videos are now added to the dashboard
FIXED: Masterblocks from Semplice v6 where displayed as normal content
FIXED: Saving an component after adding an animation failed in some cases
FIXED: Preview animation actions where missing in the edit popup when animating components
Version 7.0.2 - Nov 27, 2024
FIXED: Hidden navigation caused an javascript error
FIXED: Pressing ENTER closes the webfonts resource dialog instead of adding a new line
FIXED: Post settings for blog templates were empty when the Yoast SEO plugin was activated
FIXED: Code module for navigations would not save & close when clicking on "Done"
Version 7.0.1 - Nov 22, 2024
ADDED: We rebuilt and redesigned Semplice from scratch on a more modular system, making it more flexible and future-proof than ever.
ADDED: All new color picker with gradients, alpha channel and eyedropper
ADDED: Mesh gradient editor for backgrounds
ADDED: New navigation editor that supports building a custom navbar and overlay with modules (menu, single link, text, image, button, lottie and custom code)
ADDED: Nested rows to align content horizontally inside a column
ADDED: Create an intro animation that appears when a user visits your site for the first time
ADDED: Perspective to animations to support 3D transforms
ADDED: All new redesigned layout blocks
ADDED: Components (prior Masterblocks) can now be edited in an isolated view
ADDED: Local options for module components (to change individual values on a local instance without changing the global component)
ADDED: Every content type (section, column, nested row, module) can now be added as a component
ADDED: Components are no longer limited to one instance per page
ADDED: Individual modules for YouTube and Vimeo (Video thumbnail is used as the editor preview instead of a placeholder)
ADDED: Media Library can now switch between thumbnails and details view (shows filename, type, dimension and size)
ADDED: Option to link a section, column, nested row or content container. Internal links will work with page transitions.
ADDED: Image modules can now display an image or video on mouseover
ADDED: Option to define a custom width for the image module
ADDED: Corner radius now works with most modules (galleries, portfolio grid, videos etc.)
ADDED: Blackground blur option for content, column and section backgrounds
ADDED: Text alignment (text module) can now be customized for each breakpoints
ADDED: Background images (and options) can now be customized for each breakpoint
ADDED: Gallery grid formatting can now be customized for each breakpoint
ADDED: Mailchimp forms can now be customized for each breakpoint
ADDED: Fade effect option for the coverslider
ADDED: Gallery Slider now has a live preview in the editor and a reworked cover mode
ADDED: Attraction and friction now works with fade in the gallery slider
ADDED: Project title & type for the single project module
ADDED: Option to adjust the lightbox caption font family, font size and spacing
ADDED: Corner radius to animations
ADDED: Background blur option for the custom cursor
ADDED: Custom cursor now supports video modules (play/pause)
ADDED: Option to toggle the edit popup size for smaller screens
CHANGED: Open Sans and Lora got replaced with Satoshi and Gambetta as the default fonts (Inter is untouched)
CHANGED: Active font/color now gets selected in the WYISWYG Editor
CHANGED: Some opacity settings (**) got removed since they are now getting set via the alpha channel in the new color picker
CHANGED: Old navigations are no longer supported anymore with the new navigations editor
CHANGED: Gradients in Animations will now be done with the new color picker
REMOVED: Static page transitions
REMOVED: The old blog is now completely replaced by the blogposts module and blog templates
REMOVED: Dribbble module
REMOVED: Unsplash integration
REMOVED: Displacement Maps in the 'Cover Effects'
REMOVED: Scroll reveal (please use animations to reveal content)